
Our Pledge

Our commitment to accountability is rooted in our respect for the dignity and rights of the people we work with. We recognise that every individual has the right to be treated with fairness, compassion, and respect, regardless of their circumstances.

NGOs hold a significant position of power and influence, particularly when working with vulnerable individuals during times of crisis. This responsibility underscores the importance of our accountability, we must ensure that our actions are ethical, transparent, and respectful. By being held accountable, we affirm our commitment to safeguarding the dignity and well-being of those we serve, ensuring that our interventions are both effective and delivered with the utmost integrity.

Our approach to accountability is proactive and participatory. We conduct regular audits, impact assessments, and maintain open communication with all stakeholders. We prioritise transparency and responsibility in every aspect of our operations, including financial management, programme delivery, and ethical conduct. These strict protocols ensure that our actions consistently reflect our mission and meet the expectations of our stakeholders.

Principled Humanitarian Action

Principled humanitarian action is guided by a set of core principles that ensure aid is delivered in a way that is ethical, effective, and respectful of the people it serves. By adhering to these principles, humanitarian action not only addresses immediate needs but also preserves the dignity and rights of affected individuals and communities. It builds trust and credibility with those in need, enabling more effective and sustainable interventions. Principled humanitarian action is about more than just delivering aid; it is about doing so in a way that respects the humanity of all individuals.

These principles form the foundation of all humanitarian efforts

Humanity drives us to alleviate suffering and protect life with compassion and empathy.

Neutrality ensures that our actions are free from political or ideological bias, focusing solely on providing aid where it is needed most.

Impartiality mandates that we offer assistance based on need alone, without discrimination, and with an unwavering commitment to fairness.

Independence We maintain autonomy in our actions and decisions, ensuring that our humanitarian efforts are free from external influence and guided solely by our mission to serve those in need. crises and emergencies.


Safeguarding is a critical practice to ensure the safety, protection and dignity of those we serve. YVS has comprehensive manuals and guidelines in place to ensure that our interventions uphold the highest standards of safety and respect. 

  Safeguarding Policy Manual: Outlines the organization’s commitment to protecting individuals from harm, abuse, and exploitation. 

  Child Protection Policy: Provides guidelines specifically for ensuring the safety and well-being of children in the organization’s programs. 

  Code of Conduct: Details expected behaviors and ethical standards for staff, volunteers, and partners to prevent abuse and misconduct. 

  Complaints and Reporting Procedures: Describes the processes for reporting and addressing concerns or incidents of abuse, exploitation, or misconduct. 

  Risk Assessment and Management Manual: Offers guidance on identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks related to safeguarding within the organization’s operations. 

  Training and Induction Manual: Outlines the requirements and processes for training staff and volunteers on safeguarding practices and policies. 

  Data Protection and Confidentiality Manual: Ensures the secure handling and protection of sensitive information related to individuals and safeguarding issues. 

Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Manual: Provides comprehensive guidelines and protocols to prevent, identify, and respond to instances of sexual exploitation and abuse