Let Me Tell You My Story

Let Me Tell You My Story

Let Me Tell You My Story (LMTYMS) is a YVS flagship programme aimed at ending gender-based violence in Palestine. In partnership with the Palestine Solidarity Organization of Sweden and 5 Palestinian organisations in the West Bank, Jerusalem, and Lebanon.

LMTYMS seeks to train 25 female activists in cinema and filmmaking in Palestine. The activists will then use their new skills to promote gender equality in the local communities by producing 5 GBV awareness-raising films, implementing cinema activities ensued by facilitated discussions through local and international organisations.

YVS alongside our sister organisations were able to reach over 20,000 people across Palestine and Lebanon. An added benefit of the project was that the women who received the training were then able to begin making a living from their new skills and with the connections we helped them to make with companies specialised in filmmaking.

Main results of the LMTYMS Project:

The activists were equipped with coaching and facilitation skills that enabled them to run 75 film displays followed by in-depth discussions at 5 Gaza partner organizations.

The project put together 25 female activists who have similar interests in terms of GBV-related issues. This network enabled more talks and encouraged advocacy for GBV issues. YVS is planning to keep working with this network through regularly organized meetings after the project ends.

The project provided these 25 female activists with in-person platforms to speak about their ideas and facilitate discussions through the film displays and the discussions ensued them.

The female activists built solid relationships with other teams of community leaders and youth influencers targeted by other projects at YVS.

The target group of this project will take advantage of these relationships with the guidance of YVS.

Success Stories:

Reem Wadi's Journey to Advocacy:

Reem, a young participant in the LMTYMS Project, joined the programme with a passion for gender equality but limited knowledge of advocacy. Through the project’s comprehensive training sessions, Reem not only gained a deep understanding of women’s rights but also developed strong advocacy skills. She used her expertise within the project in facilitating the film displays and outside the project by organizing community workshops, where she educated local women about their legal rights and resources. Reem’s efforts are contributing to increased awareness and potentially to a collective demand for change within her community, illustrating the transformative power of knowledge and advocacy.

Doaa Al-Rifi's Empowerment Through Film:

Doaa, a participant in the LMTYMS Project, discovered her talent for filmmaking during the programme‘s film production phase. Through her short film, she addressed issues of gender-based violence and women’s empowerment, using storytelling as a tool for change. Her film was screened at the five local partner organizations, sparking conversations and inspiring action. As her film gained recognition, Doaa’s confidence grew, and she became a role model for young women aspiring to express themselves through creative media. In the closing ceremony, YVS conducted a voting competition about which is the best film, and there was a consensus that Doaa’s film was the best.  

Israa Dawoud’s Journey to Empowerment:

Israa, a participant in the LMTYMS Project, initially faced significant challenges in her life. She lacked confidence and opportunities for personal growth. Through the project’s training and support, Israa not only gained essential skills in social behavioral communication but also found her voice. She became an advocate for women’s rights, delivering powerful presentations at community events with YVS’s partner organizations. Today, she mentors other women, empowering them to stand up against gender-based violence and discrimination.

The other 5 Palestinian partners organisations in this project were:

When food is available, YVS uses an existing network of vendors and bulk purchasing power to buy food at a slightly lower rate. Food parcels are prepared by our team and then handed out to those most in need.