

We are currently not looking for any volunteers inside Gaza.


Can you help us tell our story? We need remote volunteers to help communicate our important work. Please get in touch if you would like to support with any of the following for a few hours each week: 

  • Writing stories about our work 
  • Writing articles about what is happening in Gaza 
  • Graphic design (help make posters and infographics) 

Put on an event

Could you put on fundraiser to support our work? A fundraiser could be anything you are interested in and could be anywhere you spend time, e.g. home, school, local community centre, local place of worship like a mosque, synagogue or church.  

Here are some event ideas: 

  • A music event like a concert, battle of the bands or karaoke night 
  • A sponsored event like a run or swim, daily dip challenge or a sponsored silence 
  • A talk about Gaza – we might be able to link up a speaker from Gaza remotely 
  • A film screening 
  • A bake off and cake sale  


We urgently need funds to keep our work going right now. Fundraising for us will make a huge difference to the amount of people we can help and the money you raise will go direct to Gaza. 

Set up a crowdfunder that is linked to ours

We use Chuffed.org for our crowd funder, this allows people from all over the world to donate to us. Chuffed allows people to set up their own fundraising page which will then direct the funds they raise into our crowd funder.  

It is very easy to set up, you can copy our text or use your own, you can translate the text into different languages, or adapt it in any other way you think might help. 

You can set up your own fundraiser here: https://chuffed.org/project/109688/signup 

See Reman’s fundraiser in Arabic here for inspiration: https://chuffed.org/fundraiser/29824